Eskom Banking.

Banking of Excess Energy.

Wheeling and Banking Strategies for Optimal Renewable Energy Deployment

Eskom Banking Regulation

Banking is defined as the treatment and carrying over of Banked Energy into the Eskom system, recorded within a specific TOU period and month, which the customer is not able to consume within that month for whatever reason.

A consumer will be permitted to bank generated energy that it has purchased or is for own use that has been exported onto the Eskom system but which is not consumed during that particular month, either by themselves or by another contracted consumer of that energy.

Month-to-Month Energy Banking

The conditions for month to month banking will be included in the electricity supply agreement or amendment to the supply agreement and will be subject to the signing of these agreements.

Month to month banking for IPPs above 1 MW will only be allowed where there will be infrequent and inadvertent over-generation relative to the associated load, i.e. not every month or more than 2 consecutive months.

Month to month banking of energy for IPPs of 1 MW and below will be allowed for infrequent and inadvertent over-generation for the following reasons:

  •  The introduction of the Eskom IDM Standard Product Programme for renewable energy (rewards renewable technology that displaces existing load).
  • This generation typically will be rural customers with seasonal load profiles, i.e. will be seasonal banking and will not in these circumstances be inadvertent or infrequent.
  • Due to the size not expected to have a significant impact on the Eskom system.
  • The exemption will encourage small scale generations.
  • It has been requested by customers to make renewable technology more viable.


The month to month banking of energy will be treated as follows:

The excess generated energy that is banked will reflect as a credit on the customer’s account.

The credit balance on the customer’s account will reduce as and when the energy is used by the customer.

The credit will be calculated based on the energy rates applicable in the peak, standard and off-peak periods during which the excess generation occurs. The credit will be applied to energy only and not to other charges.

Any residual banked energy credit will be carried over to the following month.

Banking of excess energy

Banking is defined as the treatment and carrying over of Banked Energy into the Eskom system, recorded within a specific TOU period and month, which the customer is not able to consume within that month for whatever reason.


Banking is an add-on when there is wheeling or offset

  • E.g -the customer imports (consumes) say 100 kWh, exports 120 kWh in a month
  • 100 kWh is offset (credited on the bill), and 20 kWh is banked (carried over to the next month) and then
    added to the next month exported energy – this is done per TOU period
  • The consumer/buyer of the energy will bank the energy and not the generator.
  • Banking is provided at Eskom’s discretion and in terms of the Eskom Banking Policy
  • Banking is only allowed for supplies up to 1MW, unless otherwise approved by the Pricing committee.
  • Banking is only allowed where it does not cause system or network constraints.
  • The tariff applies in which month the Banked energy is offset and not generated.


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