Tariff Changes

Our data analysis provides for a report identifying if a client is on the correct tariff structure.

For most municipalities there can be a range of tariff options, often we find clients have never checked their bill in detail and find errors such as  (1) Incorrect Tariff, or (2) Over capacity kVa power input to their needs.

We also find clients are not aware if they may be on the incorrect tariff. In certain municipalities, a tariff swap is mandatory to go solar or to obtain feedback rebates.

COCT Tariffs

In COCT there remains 3 tariffs, namely:

The old LPU (Large Power User)

This has a fixed low variable of R1.10 per kWh and a very high demand charge. This tariff is now defunct and not an option to swap into.

The SPU (Small Power User)

This is available for clients peaking at under 500 kVa and uses a flat rate of R1,80 and no demand charge.

TOU (Time Of Use)

This has a variable component according to times of the day (Standard, Peak and Off Peak) and can vary hourly and within seasons. This also has a Peak Demand Charge albeit much lower than LPU.

The data takes into account the clients Peak Demand component, which accrues a charge monthly based on the highest consumption recorded over the 30 day billing cycle.
A Tariff swap can be done with or without solar and PV Consult will analyse for the best tariff Pre Solar and the correct tariff Post Solar.

Fee Structure For Tariff Optimisation / Tariff Swap

There is no upfront cost to the client.  We identify the opportunity and should this lead to a tariff swap our fees are at 20% of the savings. The client keeps 80% of the savings achieved, thereafter 100%.



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172 Victoria Road
Cape Town

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